The IEEE ELOVA at GEC Wayanad was an orientation exclusively for first years from November 17th to 19th, 2023.
It hosted technical workshops, interactive talk sessions and games
DAY 1 featured an inaugural ceremony with a welcome speech by Lakshmi B Nair,followed by talks on IEEE CS SOCIETY, insights from Professor Sajeevan,Hod Ec department and vote of thanks by Afra Musthafa. Additionally, an interesting ice breaking session by Farshan Yoosuf.The Ice breaking session helped attendees to bond through games and shared experiences.
DAY 2 of ELOVA was packed with diverse activities and engaging sessions. Conducted the first ever Ethical hacking workshop in GECW, a pioneering event where each attendee had a dedicated system. This hands-on approach set a new standard, fostering immersive learning and receiving enthusiastic participant feedback.In the afternoon session, participants engaged in hands-on tasks aligned with the workshop content. Following this, our technical coordinator, Aswin, led an insightful session titled ‘A Journey through IEEE Computer Society,’ providing valuable insights and enhancing the attendees’ understanding of industry standards and advancements. We concluded day two with these enriching activities, marking a successful conclusion to our inaugural Ethical Hacking workshop.
DAY 3 the event continued with a comprehensive session on Introduction to Web 3 conducted by Muhammad sufiyan KT, offering attendees insights into this cutting-edge technology. Following this, an interactive session led by psychologists Divya G Vimal,Abhijith Sajeev and Gayathri Soman ,provided a unique perspective. In the afternoon, we engaged participants in a series of hacking tasks structured as a 10-level game, fostering practical learning experiences. To conclude our event, we celebrated with a lively DJ session, wrapping up our inaugural Ethical Hacking workshop on a high note